Our Business Service Centers

Grow Your Brand in USA

eCommerce website design and operation, sales and marketing service in US, FBA service, eBay service and other platform service by our experts is proven to increase sales and grow your brand in the states.

USA Branch Office

The more points of contact, the more chance of getting new and retaining existing customers. We help Asia companies set up USA Branch Office in Los Angeles or New Jersey and operate that for them.

Alfa KickStart

You have a working prototype of product or just a great business idea, we offers everything from office space, warehouse, OEM factories, human resources, IT, website design, on site mentors, sales and marketing support.

You have a dream ? We can help to fulfill it!

China Branch Office

Break in a huge market like China is not easy for most of the companies in states. Our experts have more than 20 years experience doing business in China. We set up a China Branch Office for you and operate it for you.

Grow Your Brand in China

With multiple offices in China,  we can help US companies to grow their brands in China. Building flagship store on Chinese major platforms, handle export logistic and collect money from Chinese buyers. We are the experts and your best partner for cross boarder business to grow your brand.

Alfa JumpSpeed Accelerator

Alfa JumpSpeed Accelerator is helping entrepreneurs scale via securing capital and customers. Alfa JumpSpeed also pertners with Angel networks and venture capitalists for a healthy startup ecosystem.